Published Date:Sunday, May 19, 2013
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“Water and Biodiversity”

Theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity 2013

(Iran's Environment News Agency) The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity  announced the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) on 22 May 2013 will be:
“Water and Biodiversity”
The theme was chosen to coincide with the United Nations designation of 2013 as the International Year of Water Cooperation. UNESCO has been chosen as the lead agency to promote the global celebrations and to help raise awareness on the critical issues facing water management.
Water sustains all life on Earth. It is vital for all people and ultimately determines our way of life. Providing and sustaining water for the needs of people around the world is already well recognized as a major challenge for sustainable development in most areas in both developed and developing countries. The ecosystems of our world, but particularly forests and wetlands, ensure that clean water is available to human communities. Water in turn underpins all ecosystem services.
Wetlands can help reduce risks from flooding. Restoring soils can reduce erosion and pollution and can increase water available for crops. Protected areas can assist in providing water to cities. These are but a few examples of how ecosystem management can help us solve water-related problems.
Water – the source of all Life on Earth - is a cross-cutting topic and requires partnerships for its management. Solutions to water management issues are included in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Targets.

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Resource:  CBD